
Artifact [f663edc919]

Artifact f663edc919d8f3b1b0e91218f645c274a188c29511557c1d0fa2342d1a7e31ac:

SHELL = /bin/bash

# ~~~ Variables used by rules ~~~

core-module-sources := render-page.rkt main.rkt
core-modules        := $(patsubst %.rkt, compiled/%_rkt.zo, $(core-module-sources))

pages-sources  := $(wildcard writing/*.page.rkt)
pages-compiled := $(patsubst writing/, writing/compiled/%.page_rkt.zo, $(pages-sources))
pages-html     := $(patsubst writing/, publish/%.html, $(pages-sources))

static-sources := $(wildcard static/*.*) $(wildcard static/**/*.*) static/.htaccess
static         := $(patsubst static/%, publish/%, $(static-sources))

webpage-sources   := $(wildcard web-pages/*.rkt)
webpages          := $(patsubst web-pages/%.rkt, publish/%.html, $(webpage-sources))

# ~~~ Rules ~~

# The order of these dependencies is important. They will be processed left to right.
web: publish/res/style.css $(pages-html) publish/feed.atom $(webpages) 
web: ## Rebuild all web pages

$(core-modules): compiled/%_rkt.zo: %.rkt
	raco make $<

$(pages-html): $(core-modules)
$(pages-html): publish/%.html: writing/compiled/%.page_rkt.zo
	racket -t render-page.rkt -- $(patsubst publish/%.html, writing/, $@) \
	| tidy -quiet -indent --wrap 100 --new-inline-tags footer --wrap-attributes no --tidy-mark no > $@ || true

$(pages-compiled): writing/compiled/%.page_rkt.zo: writing/
	raco make $<

publish/feed.atom: $(pages-html) feed.rkt
	racket -tm feed.rkt

$(webpages): render-page.rkt
$(webpages): publish/%.html: web-pages/%.rkt
	racket $< | tidy -quiet -indent --wrap 100 --new-inline-tags footer --wrap-attributes no --tidy-mark no > $@ || true

publish/res/style.css: $(static-sources) 
	rm -rf publish && cp -R static publish

zap: ## Clear Racket compile cache, and remove all HTML output
	rm -rf compiled || true
	rm -rf writing/compiled || true
	rm publish/*.html || true
	rm publish/feed.atom || true

publish: check-env
publish: ## Sync all content to the web server (does not rebuild any files)
	rsync -av --delete --exclude-from='publish_excludes.txt' publish/ $(JDCOM_SRV)

# Self-documenting makefile (
help: ## Displays this help screen
	@grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

.PHONY: web help zap publish check-env


ifndef JDCOM_SRV
	$(error JDCOM_SRV env variable not set, should be a destination valid for rsync)