On this page:
4.1 Rendering custom elements
4.2 Rendering HTML
4.3 Rendering plain text

4 Rendering output🔗

A Punct document is format-independent; when you want to use it in an output file, it must be rendered into that output file’s format.

Punct currently includes an HTML renderer and a plain-text renderer. Both are based on a “base” renderer. You can extend any Punct renderer or the base renderer to customize the process of converting documents to your target output format(s).

4.1 Rendering custom elements🔗

When rendering your document to a specific output format (such as HTML) you’ll want to provide a fallback procedure to the renderer that can convert those elements into that specific format.

Your fallback function will be given three arguments: the tag, a list of attributes, and a list of sub-elements found inside your element. The sub-elements will already have been fully processed by Punct.

Here’s an example pair of functions for rendering documents containing the custom abbreviation element (from the examples above) into HTML:

(define (custom-html tag attrs elems)
  (match (list tag attrs)
    [`(abbreviation [[term ,term]]) `(abbr [[title ,term]] ,@elems)]))
(define (my-html-renderer source-path)
  (doc->html (get-doc source-path) custom-html))

4.2 Rendering HTML🔗

 (require punct/render/html) package: punct-lib


(doc->html pdoc [fallback])  string?

  pdoc : document?
  fallback : 
(-> symbol?
    (listof (list/c symbol? string?))
    (listof xexpr?)
   = default-html-tag
Renders pdoc into a string containing HTML markup. Each custom element is passed to fallback, which must return an X-expression.

This function uses xexpr->string to generate the HTML string. This function will blindly escape characters inside <script> and <style> tags, which may introduce errors. For HTML output that is friendlier and more correct, consider using the html-printer package in concert with doc->html-xexpr.

For more information on using the fallback argument to render custom elements, see Rendering custom elements.


(doc->html-xexpr pdoc [fallback])  xexpr?

  pdoc : document?
  fallback : 
(-> symbol?
    (listof (list/c symbol? string?))
    (listof xexpr?)
   = default-html-tag
Renders pdoc into HTML, but in X-expression form rather than as a string. Each custom element is passed to fallback, which must itself return an X-expression.

For more information on using the fallback argument to render custom elements, see Rendering custom elements.


(default-html-tag tag attributes elements)  xexpr?

  tag : symbol?
  attributes : (listof (list/c symbol? string?))
  elements : (listof xexpr?)
Returns an X-expression comprised of tag, attributes and elements. Mainly used as the default fallback procedure for doc->html.

> (default-html-tag 'kbd '() '("Enter"))

'(kbd "Enter")

> (default-html-tag 'a '((href "http://example.com")) '("Link"))

'(a ((href "http://example.com")) "Link")

4.3 Rendering plain text🔗

 (require punct/render/plaintext) package: punct-lib

Sometimes you want to convert a document into a text format that is even plainer than Markdown, such as when generating the plaintext version of an email newsletter.


(doc->plaintext pdoc line-width [fallback])  string?

  pdoc : document?
  line-width : exact-nonnegative-integer?
  fallback : 
(-> symbol?
    (listof (list/c symbol? string?))
    (listof xexpr?)
   = (make-plaintext-fallback line-width)
Renders pdoc into a string of plain text, hard-wrapped to line-width characters (except for block-quotes, which are hard-wrapped to a length approximately 75% as long as line-width). Any custom elements are passed to fallback, which must return a string.

The function applies very rudimentary text formatting which usually looks as you would expect, but which often discards information.

For more information on using the fallback argument to render custom elements, see Rendering custom elements.

> (require punct/render/plaintext)
> (define email (parse-markup-elements (hasheq) '("# Issue No. 1\n\nHowdy!")))
> (display (doc->plaintext email 72))

Issue No. 1



Returns a function that accepts three arguments (the tag, attributes and elements of an X-expression). Mainly used to create the default fallback procedure for doc->plaintext.

> (define foo (make-plaintext-fallback 72))
> (foo 'kbd '() '("Enter"))

"[kbd] Enter\n\n"

> (foo 'a '((href "http://example.com")) '("Link"))

"[a] Link\n\n"