The color palette of this site changes depending on the outside temperature at my home — see the readout at the bottom of every page. Click the 📸 emoji there to see a photo of local weather conditions — this is updated whenever I post a photo on Mastodon with the #mnwx hashtag.
I have a style guide for this site which I keep mostly in my head. The first two rules are:
- No code.
- No footnotes.
I use a variety of home-grown tools to publish the site. I save news about those tools, and other such shop-talk, for my newsletter.
This site is set in Martina Plantijn by Klim Type, and LD Fabiol Pro by Lazydogs Typefoundry.
The site doesn’t use analytics services, cookies, or any other client-side methods to track your visits.
The web server keeps a log of each request to the site. These requests include your IP address and a user-agent string identifying your browser and operatings system — that’s just how web browsers work. These logs will never be disclosed to anyone, for any purpose.
If you subscribe to an email newsletter on this site, you must supply a name (which need not be real) and an email address. This information is recorded here and nowhere else (no 3rd-party services are used) and will never be disclosed to anyone, for any purpose.
Privacy-related inquiries will reach me at joel @